Cutting-edge Technology with innovation projects

Our extensive knowledge allows us to design, to measure, any type of installation for surface treatment. In addition, as manufacturers, we learn from our own experience, in a process of continuous improvement.

Since the beginning of our history, one of the characteristics that have differentiated us has been our diversification of markets, transferring knowledge and learning from one sector to another.

Carry out the required installation in any part of the world

Currently, and due to the company’s expansion and growth policy, we have commercial agents and collaborators in a large number of countries. Our company has the logistic capacity to carry out the required installation in any part of the world.

Planta Isométrica

    Surtech Engineering

    Polígono Malpica- Alfindén

    C/H Naves 17-19

    50171 La Puebla de Alfindén

    Zaragoza (Spain)

    + (34) 976-056-35